March Madness

Hey everyone. I hope you’re enjoying the ride so far. If you’re a member, you’ll notice that one of the few sections in the site that’s in need of attention is the newpaper funnies section. Therefore on the month of March, I’m going to try and bulk up the section until it reaches a respectable number. Afterwards, we’ll continue the story of Mount Harass (pages 11- 21, colored by Moose), Irene Insurance (colored by Cuello), and South Dakota Poon (created by Chip Cannon). During the summer, we should have Hood 2 (colored by Cuello), Kym Pregnable 2 (colored by Cuello), Moneymake 4, and O Girl (colored by Enigmawing). So by the end of the summer (and our one year anniversary as a site).. there should be a total of 15 comics available in the site in addition to all the parody work we already have there.  Thanks for all the support and I hope you all have an outstanding day. 🙂

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Thanks. It’s just been an interesting experience this month. One colorist is spending time in jail, one is fighting an infection, another is on an extended vacation, etc.. I also commissioned two new artists and one was away at a convention while the other has a major exam he’s dealing with. So yeah.. if you’re wondering why there’s been a lack of colors lately..

But to their credit, these people have such remarkable talents and you’re definitely going to enjoy what they’re going to show you in a few months.

Also due to an email we recieved in January and February, we changed the comix, Mindy in Space. We’ve changed the color on her bowtie and changed the hair color a bit. A disclaimer is also present on the comix as well.