News update

Hey Guys,

Just a heads up on things, I won’t be updating on Friday since it’s 9-11. Sorry for any inconvience this may cause.

On a brighter note, I will now be updating on wednesdays now (starting with this lovely image below). This means you’ll get updates on Monday night, Wednesday night, and Friday night (pst).  In addition, we’ve just got our first site review at which we modestly scored a 70.0 (out of 100 I think). I think that’s pretty good considering how new we are and such. I do agree our navigation sucks and I hope to have that resolved very soon.

1 comment

Actually we DID have “Next” buttons in our navigation but they came in the form of a small arrow that the reviewer at BestPorn apparently missed. As a result, we’ve now changed the active arrows to now a large and clear text-based “Prev” and “Next” links.

Please submit your reviews to

The more positive reviews we get there, the more traffic will come, the more and better content we can bring you! 😉