
Hey guys,

Today, the entire Moneymaker series was moved to a new section of the site. So if you’re looking for the comic, check it out in the new comic section called TheMoneymaker. In the future, the series will be translated into different languages for people to further enjoy the series.

Posted by Admin in Content Updates


A quick note here. Added to the guest area is a small cutie that’ll now present what’s in the members area. Also, starting this friday, our current feature will be Kym Pregnable: Lucky Night part 2. Check that out this week.

Also, my email is on the fritz so I can’t respond to any emails at this time. I’ll try to fix the problem as soon as I can.

Posted by Admin in Content Updates

Link Exchange and more

-Hey everyone. This is purely directed to all the guys interested in exchanging links with JKRcomix. Please send all your information and interests to the Webmaster at webmaster@jkrcomix.com or go to http://www.poshbucks.net/jkrcomix/. Please don’t send them to me as I can’t do much with it. Thanks.

-Now for everyone else. We’ve made some new changes so things around the site should run alot faster. If the site acts slow for you, like, many seconds on what should be a <1 second load.. then contact my webmaster at webmaster@jkrcomix.com so we can resolve it in a timely manner. thank you.

-Also the RSS feed will now track comments (for those who are tracking them) as well as posts.

-Finally, we will soon be moving the Moneymaker series to its own comic section in the site called Moneymaker. Quickies will now be focused on parodies as originally intended.

Posted by Admin in Content Updates