Hey Everyone

I hope everyone’s happy with everything. Siggy (tech specialist) and I will be working on improving the look of this site in the coming weeks. At this moment, I’d like to introduce a few people working on this site. First, I want to introduce a new colorist and inker, Gemlord. He’ll be handling alot of parody work in the near future. Next are two new artists, Gabriel Michael and LLToon, that will be working on the occasional parody pinups. I also hired writer and artist, Chip Cannon, to work on a new comix California Poon. He’ll also be working on the occasional pinup.  In additon to all these artists, I’ve added 4 new colorists E. Arce, Y Cakra, T.  Sezer, and A. Montel to help with the coloring. Enigmawing is committed to working on the first two issues of O Girl (which is now pushed back to 2009). Finally, I’ve read that we’re not updating fast enough at this site, so I’ll be talking to my tech guys on how we’ll improve on that. That’s it from me. Til next time.

Posted by Admin in Content Updates, Technical Problems