Added pg5 of Money Maker 2

Added the last page of Money Maker 2 hope you enjoy it till next update guys 🙂

Posted by Admin in Content Updates

Added new “Superman” pic

Happy New Year everyone added new cool pic this time its Super Man having sex with Super Girl

Posted by Admin in Content Updates

Added pg4 of Money Maker 2

Added page 4 of the Money Maker 2 comic to the Quickies section

Posted by Admin in Content Updates

Added “Mindy in Space” comic

As a special holiday treat we’ve added the full (5 pg, cover, & pinup) comic “Mindy in Space” to the KinkyTales section of the members area

Posted by Admin in Content Updates

Happy Holidays

Okay guys, I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that for the month of December, I’ve given my creative team the month off to spend with their families or pursue their indivisual goals. Webmaster’s team will still be around to handle tech support and other issues. So after Hood is finished we’ll be updating with a Quickie comic that’ll be done by just DigitalCAPs and myself. The good news is that we’ll try and update with alot more content this month and finishing the month with the contest winning comic, Mindy in Space. Colorist Enigmawing has agreed to continue the series and we’ll begin work on its sequel shortly after the New Years. Outlaw and myself are near completion of BitchChasers and we hope to have that ready by the start of the New Years too. Other than that.. I wish everyone a safe and fun holiday season.

Posted by Admin