Drawing Suggestions

Add any drawing suggestions you may have. Express your opinion on the requests/suggestion of others.

28 Responses to “Drawing Suggestions”

  1. Tanchu222

    Can you make some TombRaider like pin-ups?

  2. Joker

    You got it.

  3. fannum

    I’m especially looking forward to the Gilligan comic you hinted at! I always pictured Thurston Howell, III really would have brought his sexretary along on an exotic cruise … but the TV censors muzzled the writers!


  4. Joker

    Yeah, it’s being scripted out as we speak, but I don’t think we’ll able to release it until next year. I’ll keep the secretary idea in mind.

  5. fannum

    I’m patient and would be sure that the results will be worth it.

    I always considered Mrs. THIII kind of the odd duck of the series, without even the potential of any incest to make her presence suggestive. Although, poor naive Gilligan could benefit from a stern mistress at times … (although that role would also further distance Ginger from sweet MaryAnn!)

    All in all, I’ve often wondered if the League of Decency saw the salacious potential of the series and killed it before changing mores allowed it to develop its properly deviant directions.

    Good luck guy and Cheers

  6. oopise

    How about some ladies from the Metal Gear Solid series? Sniper Wolf or Naomi to be more specific.

  7. Joker

    I’m working on a Mr. and Mrs. Thurston sketch so I’ll show that soon. I’ll see what I can do with Naomi or Sniper Wolf. The MGS style isn’t one that I’ve studied yet.

  8. Joker

    Okay, sketches for Sniper Wolf and Thurston are done. They’ll be up on Friday’s update or Monday’s update (whenever it’s up). I’ll see what I can do with Naomi and Mrs. Thurston (I’ll just have her with a cabana boy).

  9. Joker

    Also, any suggestions made here are taken into careful consideration. Some request may not be done, but I will try to get each and everyone one of them done. Thanks guys.

  10. Tanchu222

    i kind of wanna see some devil may cry stuff with like dante giving it to trish and/or Mary (lady). keep up the good work!

  11. Tanchu222

    thanks again for the tomb raider pin-up! nice work as always.

  12. Anangel

    I would like to see a Lord of the rings pin-up. It’s possible?

  13. Joker

    Tanchu222- I’ll get a sketch of Lady done for you. I’d like to do the image in anime style.. but it’s probably easier to keep it looking more comicbookish. I’ll see what we can do.

    Anangel- It’s very possible. Anything in specific or should I just go crazy?

  14. Anangel

    Arwen or Galadriel?

  15. Joker

    I’ll start work on it this sunday.

  16. fannum

    OK, I’ve been indisposed and away. Just got back on group, and am tickled with the Thurston Howell III image. FAN-TAS-TIC!

    Just to be clear, my thought was that TH3 would have been more likely to bring s nubile helper than a nagging wife. Hmmm! Three randy guys … three sexy girls … gee … the script writes itself with all kinds of conflicts, misunderstandings, jealousies … Wow!

    Many thanks boss!

  17. TKone

    I would love to see some more TopCow comic Characters here. Maybe a group shot of Witchblade, Tomb Raider, Magdalena and more.
    That would be awesome

  18. Joker

    cool. Group shots are always fun, but it’s usually hard to squeeze them all in a sketchbook. I’ll see what I can do.

  19. Joker

    Okay, it’s done. I’ll try to update it in the next update.

  20. fannum

    OK, this is back to my suggestion about Gilligan, and some feedback to a private email exchange we had.

    I’ve given you a few thoughts, and was surprised to hear that you considered just limiting things to Gilligan, the Skipper, Ginger and Mary Ann. I would have thought you would go the other way … take the freedom offered to expand the concept.

    OK, on the basic format, there is the four mentioned plus the professor, Thurston H III and his wife. I suggested that a fat cat would be likely to have brought his “Personal” secretary INSTEAD of his wife. Having an imbalance would keep the tension going.

    Then look at the schemes the show offered. Gee, we had astronauts, visiting cannibals, gorillas, lost soldiers, etc. Why not yacht racers gone astray, clueless news men, politicians on campaign tours, … heck event he Swedish bikini team!

    At the same time, Mrs. TH III could be back at home disorganizing the rescue effort, more than happy with her and her oversexed neice spending TH III’s money. Of course, they would be suitably entertained by tennis pros, cabana boys, lawyers (we know how well they can screw people!), and maybe a greedy and unscrupulous nephew.

    Drop me a line and I’d be glad to outline a handful of episodes for your perusal.


  21. Joker

    err.. wow. Idealy I just want to do a quick 5 pager for the series. There’s alot of TV parodies I’d love to consider like the Brady Bunch, the Munsters, Love Boat, Get Smart,Adaam Family, Three’s Company, Cosby Show, etc. We’ll see of course.

  22. Anangel

    Kay Parker, the main actress of Taboo (A Kirdy Stevens film).

  23. Joker

    Cool. I’ll get some references and see what I can cook up.

  24. Anangel

    I can’t wait to see the results.

  25. Krivvin

    I like all of the suggestions others have made, hope to see some of them. What about some of the girls from Sorcerer Stabber Orphen, especially Azalie? If you need any references, I have the entire series on DVD.

  26. jbabbsyd

    Love to see Sydney Savage or more Abbey Chase!!! Thanks!

  27. Joker

    I’ll work on Sydney soon, but I did get an Abbey done just for you. I’ll see what I can do with Azalie. Personally I’m not an anime artist so anytime I do anime.. it’ll look very american-ish.

  28. Joker

    Alright, Sydney and Abbey are done. Thanks. So far all the suggestions made have been done. Thanks for all the suggestions.

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