Added hot “pinup girl” on Gallery

Added hot “pinup girl” from JAB holding up a bass guitar on Gallery

5 Responses to “Added hot “pinup girl” on Gallery”

  1. oopise

    Did Jab do the lines and the colors?

    Nice addition to the Gallery

  2. Joker


    Colors were done by Moose from Lines were done by me. This image was donated to JAB for the MILF magazine (which is currently on hiatus at the moment).

  3. oopise

    wow, nice work on the lines. I thought Jab did the lines.

  4. Joker

    Thanks. In the MILF magazine, we did a number of images and there is one image which JAB penciled out which Rickfields and I finished up. It’s the second time the three of us had collaborated on a single pinup.

  5. Tanchu222

    hot chick and guitar… if you had a car and some beer that would have been every guys dream!

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