-So it looks like Fabs of Legiocomix has decided to close Legiocomix and move to a new network. As an owner and part of this network, what he said is pretty honest and some of that I do agree with. However, there are plenty I disagree with. With that said, I’m sorry Fabs is no longer with us and I do wish him the best on his next venture.
-So what’s up this week?
– Moose is done with The Habit and Grafeletter has the pages.
– Grafeletter now has the pages to New Year.
– 2 pages of Mount Harass: Homework are pencilled.
– 2 holiday pinups are done.
-This week, I dunno what I plan to do. I’ll probably just work on Wrong House 9 or Star Trexxx. That’s it from me. For now, here’s a trailer for the rest of 2012
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